Chargers in Argentina

Chargers in Argentina

Argentine Folk Musician is a Chargers fan

On my recent trip to Argentina, I caught up with my Friend Mario “Musha” Carabajal.
He is a member of the Carabajal musical family, they are a very famous family, all great
musicians. “Musha” is the forefront Member of Los Carabajal, sort of like a Johnny Cash here. They fill
stadiums and theaters. He is also a Soccer enthusiast and is very well connected with The Argentine
Soccer community, so I gave him a Chargers Polo Shirt.

There’s an event in his home town of La Banda, which is called “La Fiesta de La Abuela”, (Grandmother’s Party) that started many years ago in his mother’s house. It was attended by a small group of family Members and Musicians. Over the years it grew and now brings over 60,000 people from all over Argentina and other neighboring countries.

This year, he opened The Festival by going on stage wearing the Chargers Polo that I gave him. I
was pleasantly surprised, he put Chargers on the map in Argentina.
